Monday, August 31, 2009

The aftermath...The Boxers call in CatZilla...Meow!!

The Boxers engage the Forgien Devils...

The Boxer Positions...

Seymour's troops move tward the Boxer postions...

Some Pic's of the Boxer Rebellion...In Miniature

Following, is the initial stages of Allied rescue expedition to Peking 1900. Fictionalized encounter of Seymour's Relief force of about 2000 mixed troops. Against several thousand Chinese Boxers. The Boxer force was well entrenched, and supported by a large battery of "older" field guns.

The encounter "game" used "Fields of Honor" rules. The figures used were 15mm Old Glory, Essex and MiniFigs miniatures.

The encounter lasted eight to ten rounds...with the Boxers besting the Allies!! Indeed the lowly but motivated Boxers overran the Indians and shot-up the marines and naval troops pretty badly...Overall, an interesting game, the Allies will return soon...

Take a look at some of the pictures...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009