Monday, December 30, 2013

Koenig Krieg Game from the Past...

Here are some pictures of a KK II game between the Austrians and Allies against the French. It was played out a few years ago. Was going through some old files and found these pictures. As I remember the French were doing pretty good. However, the Austrians were about to do some major damage to French center. Their artillery was destroyed and the Austrians were concentrated for a mighty blow! Then we had to call the game...Wife and kid stuff as usual...It was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Mongols and Gauls...

Here are some pictures of some 15mm Mongols I recently painted for a friend. They are from Legio Miniatures. Very nice figures, lots of good detail. I also included some pictures of Chucks Gauls fighting my Late Republican Romans a while back. We use Field of Glory rules. I think they really do a great job at portraying ancient warfare. In spite of its critics. It really is a good set of rules once you really get it down.