Sunday, October 26, 2014

Prussians vs Riechsarmee... Northern Bavaria... Koenig Krieg III Rules...

Encounter battle between 600 points of Reich army and 600 points of "Prussia in Crisis"  Prussians. It was a lively encounter. The Prussians took a pounding and came close to breaking on turn '8" , though, they rolled lucky and stayed on the field for four more turns of damage!

At games end the Dragoon and Fusilier brigades were gone, as well as the heavy battery!

The Reich army suffered a lot of damage to the Bavarian brigade... Otherwise not too bad for them!

Fredrick will not be happy....

Japanese Blitz into Shanghai...

News Flash... Japanese on  Very outskirts of Shanghai....

The third and last battle of the Japanese advance on Shanghai is now over... The last add-hoc defense of the approaches to the great city have been swept away by the advancing Japaneses Army.

Two reinforced companies of Japanese rolled over a last ditch defense by Chinese KMT regulars some "coolie engineers" and some late motorized anti-tank guns...

The Chinese regulars fought off the strong Japanese attackers as long as possible but were finally forced to withdrawal.. The Chines caused a lot of damage to the advancing Japanese. Actually one of the two companies was almost at half strength!

The Chinese air force actually bypassed the Japanese CAP on several occasions to cause quiet a lot of  damage to the attacking Japanese!!

The Japanese actually had to call in there local reserves of a squadron of cavalry and a company of medium tanks! They however, did not reach the battle until it was all over...

A interesting fun game of Blitzkrieg Commander, a great set of rules to be sure...

Monday, September 29, 2014

1745 Eye Candy... Possible Battle just North of London....

The Young Pretender side steps the main British army  and skirts toward London!! Old King George and a motley group go out to meet the wayward Jacobite host just a march away from London!! The King is not happy... But interested ....

Rules, Koenig Krieg III, Figures 15mm, mostly Old Glory with some Essex and others in too....

Drive on Shainghai Part 2.... Blitz Krieg Commander Rules...

Indeed, the Japanese are hard driving to Shanghai.. The Nationalist Chinese are now holding barely. In sector #3 a battalion of Nationalist are ordered to advance and take some commanding terrain around the village of Twan Son. There is an regular as well as a militia company as well. Plus very limited air support!

The Japanese have a strong company posted on the central hill with 70mm infantry guns as well as several 37mm AT guns as well. They were dug in and waiting for the Chinese to attack... They also had some very helpful air support too!

The game started with the Chinese moving on table very slowly! The command rolls were not too good for them the whole game! The Chinese were constantly being hammered by Japanese air attacks and being roughly mauled! The Chines commander could not really get any kind of attack going on though out

 the game. They did not know that they were only up against one strong Japanese company!

Even if they drove on hard they were not getting more than one or two command rolls in a row, and they Japanese air support was just devastating them all along the staging areas! The Chinese commander was only able to improve his defensive position and await the eventual massive Japanese counter assault!

 The Chinese lost 7 or eight bases plus their FAO. The Japanese lost one base...

Pre WW II China.... Blitz Krieg Commander Rules....

The scenario takes place on the approaches of Shanghai China 1937 1938... The Japanese have advanced and established themselves on the one side of Won Tong creek. The Chinese Nationalist are dug in on the other side of the creek! The Japanese must drive through the Chinese defenders, crush them and move on toward Shanghai. The Chines  must hold and inflict massive damage to the Japanese attackers...

Note, there is a Japanese flank march with half the battalion plus plus the battalion CO, an FAO, plus other heavy battalion assets ! That meant until Battalion CO showed up on table there was no Jap. air support or heavy artillery support for the assault across the creek!

What followed was a interesting fun game. With the Japanese driving the Chinese militia company from their dug in position by the creek. The regular KMT Chinese company was dug in at the Ho Sho Temple complex. The Japanese flank march never made it to the action before time ran out.

FIGURES; 15mm, old Glory and Flames of War. Painted by Chuck. Terrain various makers and custom made by us..

Game #2... to follow....

Sunday, September 7, 2014

1967 Encounter in Sinai... Cold War Commander Rules....

Last Sunday some of the gang got together to play an "ad hoc scenario" set  in the 1967 Arab Israeli war in the Sinai. It pitted initially an Egyptian mechanized infantry company in a forward village position. Assailed by at first an Israeli mechanized infantry company. Both commands had reserves on the way to be "diced" for as to entry times.... The Israelis also had air and artillery support available.

The Egyptians int he village were an advanced force holding an important point on the way to hinterlands of Israeli... The main Egyptian force was stalled a few miles back after some rather effective Israeli air raids and interdiction's!

The local Israeli's command had sent all available IDF forces via the dessert flank of the occupied village to the surprise of the Egyptian commander! The IDF came out of the swirling sands of the dessert and came upon the defended village on a flank which had no heavy anti tank weapons. They had all been deployed to face the road facing north.

The IDF assault went rather well for most of the game. The Egyptians gave as good as they got but as IDF reinforcement's came on they were driven back but not completely dislodged from village. When the tardy Egyptian reserves came on they hit the IDF hard and established themselves once again into the village outskirts. It was a tough fight for both parties. losses were about even, as well as positions. The objective for both commanders was to gain possession of village and destroy or drive back enemy forces. The game ended with night and a firm draw on the battlefield. Perhaps the morning will see a renewal of the fight for the village... Or not...       Note; The Arrfff still watches on...RIP 7/20/2014...