Sunday, January 12, 2014

Field of Glory Battle...

Saturday evening some kindred spirits got together to play a game of "Field of Glory" ancients battles. It was 450 pts of Mongols against 450 pts of Seljuk Turks from the Crusader Book of the series. the figures were 15mm of various manufactures. Mostly Old Glory, the Mongols were all "Legio Miniature's"

The game started off with a good roll for the Turks. They got to go first. Thus, they gained a good jump on the Mongols and their light cavalry got right into the faces of the Mongol lights.

The heavy forces plodded forward. The light cavalry shot at each other, caused some disruptions then there was some charges... The lights battle was pretty even.

The Mongol Heavy cavalry from their right never got into the fight. However, the Mongol heavies on the left did some good work. The Turk defensive supermen chased off the Mongol heavy cav. And established a good front. The Turk light bowmen had a good day too. They got driven back by a Mongol hvy cav charge , but regrouped and managed to drive off a regiment of Mongol lights.

Everything was starting to mix up well then the store had to close..Rats. 10:00pm comes on fast. It was a draw, and was a really fun game. We have not played the rules for several months. We need to play them more often!! They are truly a great set of rules. Once you get them down they really shine!! Highly recommended, note we used the 1st  edition.

here are some of the action pictures...