Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Cold War Commander rules... African search and destroy mission....

Last weekend we got together to play a game of Cold War Commander. 500 pts. guerrilla infiltrators vs 1000 pts of attacking force.

The attacking force was made up of conscripts, regulars and three stands of elite merc types. Both sides had recon and various support weapons.

The attackers had a large force but not a lot of commanders. Only two... the CO and the battle group commander. the made it really hard after a few turns for the attackers to get orders out! Typical 3rd world command and control!!

The defenders were doing great at first inflicting enough damage on attackers to get put in place a "major victory" ! However, the dice gods messed the up for a few turns and the attackers managed to catch them against a swamp that they had backed up to.. Not normally a problem, however, they could not get a good command roll to get away!!! Very bad for guerrilla's, good for attackers!

So after a a few rounds of gunfire the attackers scored some good hits and some much needed points...

The game ended at 12 turns as a draw!! It was really a very fun game with some interesting twists!

These rules and the system in general are great and always result in a good time and interesting game... you often do not know how it will turn out til the last turn....
The attackers start positions. The Jungle area just in front of them is where moat of the game action took place.

The initial clash of the combatants. The defenders pooped up and took out several stands of attackers. Then  faded into the jungle!

The attackers follow, and try to flank defenders...

Note the water/swamp at top of picture. That is where the defenders got stuck and shot-up a little...

Another view of "hot" action along jungle edge...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Here are some pictures of some games we have played during the last few months. I will try to post the AAR's in the future and not get backed up! Note; all figures are 15mm mostly Old Glory.
USA Marine Brigade plus a gun battery flanking Boxer position.  Legacy of Glory rules. "regimental scale"

Main defensive works of Chinese  Green Flag troops.

Chinese  Defensive positions. The Western Devils are about to attack!

British government troops stopping the Highland Armies advance deep in central England! Mostly volunteer and militia regiments!

Another look at the British Line facing the soon to be mass Highland charge...

Chinese armored support somewhere in Chines in 1938. The Japanese are coming.

Somewhere in the borderlands of Austria and Ottoman Empire. The Turks have crossed the Hungarian border and are about to meet the local Austrian forces.

The British government line 1745 looking across the field at the Highland army.

Another look ....

The Bonnie Prince Charles. With his staff and Body guard Regiment of Horse. Koenig Krieg III rules.

The great Highland charge somewhere in central England!!

The raiding Turkish cavalry engage some Austrian hussars. As the local militia look on in their village .Koenig Krieg III.

The Highland army in central England about to charge the British line 1745, Koenig Krieg III Rules.

Boxers and Green Flag troops stopping Western forces...Or not??   Legacy of Glory rules.

French & Indian War. The French are about to encounter the British Provincials. Koenig Krieg III rules.

The American Provincials wait for the French to arrive. KK III rules.

Another look at the Green Banner Troops Boxer Rebellion..

The French and Provincials clash just north of Lake George!

Genghis Khan and some of his heavy mounted archers in a fight with the Fatimid's...Field of Glory rules.