Monday, July 20, 2015

Field of Glory Rules...Astur-Leonese Army vs Andalusian Army..

It was a nice match up. 500 points per side. The Astur -Leonese had the upper hand when we had to close up shop.... Darn. It could have gone either way....

Here are some pictures....
The initial position of the Andalusian infantry.

The starting position of the Astur-Leonese Infantry...The cavalry in the third rank are "protected noble cav".

 The big picture on the "infantry battle flank"...

The three Armored Noble cavalry BG's deployed on a nice hill looking across the plain at the Andalusian Heavy cavalry...

Andalusian light cavalry move up close the the heavy cavalry on the high and shower them with javelin's!! The BG that faced them broke and ran....

The great cavalry bash....

Another look at the other flank. The light infantry missile troops are mixing it up...

Another look at the Astur-Leonese Heavies...

The cavalry "bash" is getting interesting!!! one Andalusian cavalry BG, is about to breal!! The "big" Andalusian BG is charging up the hill into the Astur Hvy Cavalry...

The Andalusian light and heavy infantry are having a day day..... One heavy BG broke and the lights have been disrupted and pushed back... Note the Astur heavy cavalry coming around the flank of the Andalusian infantry..

The Astur King is trying to rally a BG of heavy cavalry that broke from missile fire!!! They just kept running....

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