Monday, August 3, 2015

Bolt Action Rules... On the Russian Front....

It was Saturday afternoon at "Randy's House of Games", Sacramento. Randy and the gang were hosting their first gameing convention at the store! Randy's store has a Huge gamming area... actually a warehouse, Lol... Lots of guys and gals showed up for the weekend of fun and games as well as a nice "swap meet" too.  Thanks Randy and Staff... Well done!

As for the game, Chuck hosted the event. He used his very nice figures and terrain and supervised the game, as well as monitor it.

It was the Dastardly Germans holed up in a small Russian village. There was a half track and several transport trucks etc... all told about 20 germans with command and heavy support weapons. all tucked away in a very stronge position.

The Russians had about 50+ troops,with some heavy weapons support and a 47mm at gun to boot. They were moving through the light woods ready to push the krafty Germans out of the village....

The Russians were spotted at the edge of the woods and the fight was on....

The End...

The Crafty Germans held off the Russian on slot!!! But just barely....