Monday, December 12, 2016

Byzantine Varagians and Heavy Infantry...

More Byzantines and Fatimids...

Hot off the the press from Mikes camera... More pictures of the great Byzantine vs Fatimid game....

Byzantine camp.

Fatimid heavy infantry advance.

Light cavalry fight for the hill.


"Field of Glory" rules... Byzantines vs Fatimids

Yes indeed 600pts. per side Kommenian Byzantine's vs. Fatimid Eygyptian's...
Chuck just finished painting up his Kommenians
Fatimid Mamluk Heavy Cavalry.

Byzantine Light Cavalry, with some heavies in support.

Fatimid cavalry advance...


Fatimid General...

Byzantine Heavy cavalry with general in support.

Fatamid light lancers flanking...
and wanted to rumble with my good old Fatimid"s. It was a good close match. With lots of edgy melees and nasty bow fire!

The mighty contest lasted 7 rounds and the Fatimids broke the Byzantine's with a marginal victory.... They were on their last leg for sure... One more turn it would have been a Draw for sure or a victory for the Byzantine's...

I was glad that Chuck did not use his Varagian's!!! Next time he will...

Monday, November 28, 2016

Just Some Eye Candy....

Orces on the warpath!!!

African warlords at it again...

"Flames of War" British armor...

Warmachine...Cygnar faction...

Warmachine... Great Fun...

15mm Old Glory miniatures, Republican Romans...

"Flames of War" British armored company...

Darkest Africa colonial...

Modern African warlords at it again...

Spring in backyard.

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Greek Athenians... FOG rules... 15mm Essex.

1813 "Texas Filibusters" Revolt.. Battle of Medina.

Athenian Greeks... 15mm Essex.


Spartans... 15mm Essex Miniatures

Austrians assualt the town!!! Koenig Krieg Rules..

French and Austrians, War of Austrian Succession.
15mm Old Glory Miniatures.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Polish Light Cavalry Division...

13th Hussars

1st Chasseur a Cheval


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Pirate Brigantine Ship... from Blue Moon Miniatures 15mm.

Painted up this "Blue Moon Manufacturing" ship with pirate crew and accessories a while back. Very nice model !!!

"Blue Moon Manufacturing" miniatures are really nice!!! They have a great, and expanding range of miniatures to boot!!! Sorry about the lamo green towel... I could not find my blue "water mat"

All I can say is that they are easy to paint up and when done they really look Great!!!