Saturday, October 29, 2016

Polish Light Cavalry Division...

13th Hussars

1st Chasseur a Cheval


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Pirate Brigantine Ship... from Blue Moon Miniatures 15mm.

Painted up this "Blue Moon Manufacturing" ship with pirate crew and accessories a while back. Very nice model !!!

"Blue Moon Manufacturing" miniatures are really nice!!! They have a great, and expanding range of miniatures to boot!!! Sorry about the lamo green towel... I could not find my blue "water mat"

All I can say is that they are easy to paint up and when done they really look Great!!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

More Napoleonic's...

Just a few more pictures of recently painted units. Note, all figures are 15mm "old Glory' Napoleonic's

Very nice figures!
French Napoleonic Cavalry...

French Light Cavalry

Polish Horse Artillery Battery.

Polish, 21st Lancers.

Kitten Face...

French Light Cavalry and Horse Battery...

Napoleonic's 15mm "Grand Battles Napoleon" rules...

Indeed, just painted up some 15mm Napoleonic Grand Duchy of Warsaw Polish!!!!

When I am done with this batch, there will be two divisions. An infantry division of 4 or 5 regiments. a skirmisher battalion and two foot batteries. As well as a light cavalry division of three cavalry regiments and a horse artillery battery. A nice little corps de armee...

I am painting up these Polish units for a friend so he can get into Napoleonics!!!!
Polish Horse Artillery Battery.

Polish Napoleonic's

13th  line regiment Poland, Grand Duchy of Warsaw.

Prussian, 2nd Lieb Hussar Regiment...

French General and 2nd Westphalian Hussars...

A kitten...Meow....
 More Napoleonics to follow... and some games too!!! The armies are forming, and they are almost done....