Sunday, September 1, 2013

Koenig Krieg...At Great Escape Games...

 The Prussians had to push the Austrians from a good position at a vital cross-roads. The Prussians had 995 pts. to Auastrias' 1130 pts. . The Austrians where on the defense, and deployed first.
 The forces at hand were...
1st Brigade, 4 class 5 Musketeer Battalions plus two light gunners.
2nd Brigade, 4 class 5 Fusiliers Battalions plus two light gunners.
3rd Brigade, Allied, 3 class 5 Musketeers plus two light gunners. Plus an Allied Light battalion.
One small regt of Prussian Hussars.
One Brigade of Prussian Dragoons.
 And a Class 1 General.

1st Brigade 6 class 5 Musketeers plus 4 light gunners
2nd Brigade 6class 5 musketeers plus 4 light gunners.
One Croat battalion.
One Austrian Dragoon Brigade.
One Austrian Hussar Regt.
 And a Class 0 General.

 The battle was a lot of fun. With several amusing reversals! And some tough fighting over the big hill. The Prussian plan was to hold the right, and attack with the Prussian Infantry up and over the hill into the Austrian right wing. The Austrians just wanted to hold back the Prussians.
 Well everything was going to plan for both side for the first two turns. However, on turn three the Prussian Dragoons charged the Austrian Dragoons! The Prussians got rolled really bad! It was pretty bad news for the Prussians because they had to roll for Army moral next turn"4". If they rolled a 6 they would have to withdrawal! No big deal right! With anyone else rolling no problem...Well, I was rolling and I rolled a 6! Great! It was was pretty dame funny for all.
 Well, we cashiered the Allied wing commander, and fought on for another four turns. The shop was closing up and by turn four the battle was condensing into a good Draw. The Prussian Dragoons were driver from the field. The Austrian right flank was on the run, Though, one of the Prussian brigades was at 50%. The other Austrian brigade was repositioning, and the victorious Austrian Dragoons were relishing their low cost victory! Good Fun!

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