Monday, October 14, 2013

Koenig Krieg III at Great Escape...

Yes indeed, it was a good old fight. There was 1000pts of  French against 1000pts of Austrians. The set-up was basic. Both army's deployed up to 12" on board and went at it.

The Austrians had two heavy cavalry brigades to the one French heavy brigade. The French had a Swiss brig. and two Regular French brig.. Plus a Hussar and a light infantry batt. and a class 2 general.

The Austrians also had a hvy artillery battery and two infantry brig. and a class 1 general.

Both armies moved forward as fast as possible. There was a cavalry clash on flank. Three French Hvy cav Regiments charged up hill against two Austrian medium cav regiments! There was two melees. The French won one the Austrians won the other!
As the cavalry clashed on that flank the infantry became engaged! There was some musketry and cannonades. Then some great melees all along the line! The Austrians held and the French Swiss got mauled and stalled. the other brigades from both armies basically held rather firm. But had many casualties.

The French Hvy Cav on the flank maneuvered so as to attack the Austrian infantry flank! Out of two charges. One was crushed and the other went through the Austrian armored cavalry! The French Cavalry had a very good day.

About turn six we had to call the game...Family stuff. We surmised that at the time it was a good draw. We both had a really fun time.

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