Sunday, September 11, 2016

Field of Glory vol II... AAR...

Well,  met up today with Mike and his vaunted Mongols. I brought out my newly painted Late Crusaders. Actually just put a final coat of flat varnish on the lads a few hours before the game.

We both had about 600 points per force. Actually I think Mike was running about 700 lol... But is life and gaming ever fair??? Lol.

We set down our armies and advanced. I was planning on just sweeping his forces right off the field by advancing and taking away his maneuver room and options. He used his mobility to stay out of my clutches, and try to gain a nice flank attack.

The only clash of swords was on the hill on my right flank. I double moved my turoploes up to the crown of the hill and was then charged by mikes best regiment!!! He was very happy to engage my average protected turkopoles, with his ELITE armored mongols with his commanding general attached. He should have rolled over them!!! However, the hill and my attached general and some very good dice rolls turned the tables on Mikes elite heavy cavalry.. The turkoploes actually routed them!!! It's nice when a newly painted unit does good in its first battle!!! Usually newly painted units and armies get  spanked lol....

We played out the game and it turned out to be a nice draw... It was a good time and I REALLY like my Crusaders!!!! They are going to be a lot of fun to play.. At least for me lol... Now to get Chuck to get his Mameluke's and or Byzantines painted up and put down for some good games.

Field of Glory is really a good system and simulation.
The Crusaders at start of battle.

The Mongols and Crusaders at the start of battle.

My "plucky" turkoploes and general take the hill on my right flank.

Mikes Mongol left flank moving up the hill.

The cavalry melee for the hill... this was 4th turn of melee and the RED flag was for "fragmented" Mongol heavy cavalry. Ouch.... Yay!!!!

Another look at the cavalry melee.

My knights chasing away Mike light cavalry. And a look at the rest of the battlefield.

The battlefield turn four...

My steady armoured infantry holding my left flank.

My victorious turkoploes chasing after Mikes routeing heavy cavalry...

Mike talking Mongol tactics....

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