Saturday, October 3, 2020

Zombie Apocalypse Anyone????


More Brains...

 Here are some pictures of some zombie's that I have recently painted for

 "Last Days Zombie Apocalypse" rules.

Big Trouble in Pygmieland... "The Men Who Would Be Kings"

 Yes indeed... The Arab slavers with their Ruga Ruga  minions are looking for some villages to raid.. Unfortunately the little Pygmies are in their cross hairs! The slavers need some supplies and some loot. 

This was a game we played out about a year ago. There was 24 points per side. The Pygmies got the worst of it but the game. But it was a lot of fun.  It went back and forth until the end. 

The rotten raiders got their supplies and some loot. But the pesty Pygmies melted into the jungle... The Arab slavers are in for a tough time now... They do not know it though....😈 

The rules we used were "The Men Who Would be Kings" from Osprey books... It is a great set of rules lots of fun...

The miniatures used are 15mm Blue Moon Manufacturing. The terrain built by me.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Napoleonic Game: Austrians vs Polish 1809... "Grand Battles Napoleon" rules...

 The game was played in March 2020. Before the corona shutdown!!!  Mikes Polish army entailed two infantry divisions, one light cavalry division and a lance cavalry brigade. There was also a two battery artillery reserve.

The Austrians had three infantry divisions, with cavalry support attached. One division was made up of expat Brunswicker's  and Hessians. The Austrian divisions were an advanced guard division, and a regular division.

The rules used were "Grand Battles Napoleon"  

Opps,,, I mixed up the pictures...LOL... I have not blogged in over a year,,,lol...😏

Turn Five... 
The battle is over... A minor Austrian win.... The Pols will fall back ... But they are still full of fight...

Another look of the Austrian advance...

Turn Four..
The Austrians take the hill amd driving back the tough Pols....

Turns Two and Three.... From the Polish side of the table.


Another look at the battle...

The victorious Pols take control of the hill. The Polish lancers brigade tries to finish off the Austrians! But they got routed... Turns Two and Three...

The Austrian Advanced Guard Division before the Polish attack! Note this pictures are in reverse order!!! Opps....
Turn One!!!
Austrian Advanced Guard Division before the Polish attack!!

Great set of rules!!!! 

The game was pointed out at about 600 points per side. The Polish army was smaller than the Austrian army due to the fact that the Pols are really good troops.

The scenario was from the book. It was basically two advanced guard formations meeting up and trying to drive away opposing force or at least hold until reinforcement's arrive. Players had to roll for the arrival of reinforcement's every turn.

On Turn one the Pols launched an aggressive attack on the Brunswick and Hessian division. Much of the division was driven from the hill...

The Brunswick and Hessian Hussars let the Polish infantry have the hill. But they went after the Polish lancers brigade, and broke that brigade!

It was now turn three and both the Austrian reserve divisions, and both of the Polish reserve divisions showed up...

It was a new battle now! The Pols moved up and launched an attack with the 2nd polish infantry division up the hill that bounced off the 1st Austrian division. The Polish Light cavalry division attached and crushed the Brunswick Hussars!

At this point in the Battle two of the Polish divisions were routing or were in retreat. So an army moral check had to be made.. Which the Polish army failed. So the battle ended as a minor win for the Austrians! 

It was really a great little fight, with lots of great and daring movements by the mighty Pols...  The Austrians just took punches  and stood their ground. The Brunswicker"s and Hessian infantry rallied and stood back.

The rules are a lot of fun, and they really capture the Napoleonic feel... Highly Recommended...

The miniatures are 15mm old Glory... And some Minifigs and Battle Honors...