Saturday, October 3, 2020

Big Trouble in Pygmieland... "The Men Who Would Be Kings"

 Yes indeed... The Arab slavers with their Ruga Ruga  minions are looking for some villages to raid.. Unfortunately the little Pygmies are in their cross hairs! The slavers need some supplies and some loot. 

This was a game we played out about a year ago. There was 24 points per side. The Pygmies got the worst of it but the game. But it was a lot of fun.  It went back and forth until the end. 

The rotten raiders got their supplies and some loot. But the pesty Pygmies melted into the jungle... The Arab slavers are in for a tough time now... They do not know it though....😈 

The rules we used were "The Men Who Would be Kings" from Osprey books... It is a great set of rules lots of fun...

The miniatures used are 15mm Blue Moon Manufacturing. The terrain built by me.

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