Thursday, August 22, 2013

Johnny Reb III...Battle of ????

 A few months ago I dusted off my set of JR III rules. Set up a brigade on brigade scenario, and went at it "solo". I wanted to relearn the rules.
 The battle was a meeting engagement. The Rebs got to a good position and set up their line. The Yanks came up the road and went at the Rebs. The battle ebbed and flowed. However, the Rebs
eventually prevailed

JR III, is really a great set of rules. After a few run-through it flows very well, and has a lot of character. Definitely worth playing! JR I and JR II, are good too. However, JR III has same effect and feel, without too much over complication.
 The figures are 15mm, mostly Old Glory.

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