Sunday, October 26, 2014

Japanese Blitz into Shanghai...

News Flash... Japanese on  Very outskirts of Shanghai....

The third and last battle of the Japanese advance on Shanghai is now over... The last add-hoc defense of the approaches to the great city have been swept away by the advancing Japaneses Army.

Two reinforced companies of Japanese rolled over a last ditch defense by Chinese KMT regulars some "coolie engineers" and some late motorized anti-tank guns...

The Chinese regulars fought off the strong Japanese attackers as long as possible but were finally forced to withdrawal.. The Chines caused a lot of damage to the advancing Japanese. Actually one of the two companies was almost at half strength!

The Chinese air force actually bypassed the Japanese CAP on several occasions to cause quiet a lot of  damage to the attacking Japanese!!

The Japanese actually had to call in there local reserves of a squadron of cavalry and a company of medium tanks! They however, did not reach the battle until it was all over...

A interesting fun game of Blitzkrieg Commander, a great set of rules to be sure...

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