Sunday, November 22, 2015

American Civil War Battle... Fictional Encounter 15mm...

  We got together Saturday evening for another round of "Across a Deadly Field" ACW rules. There were four of us. Two Union and two Confederate players. Each of us had a brigade and some batteries of guns.

 The scenario was two reb brigades with 3 attached batteries were to keep the Yankees on the run and take control of another vital crossroads. The Union had one brigade on the field.Chuck rolled for his brigade and the union artillery battalion of two batteries. He rolled 2 for the guns and 5 for the infantry brigade!!! So on turn two the guns show up. But the vital infantry brigade is floundering about the countryside till turn 5... OUCH...

  The Rebs were deployed on the other side of Cooper Creek and they advanced across that obstacle and almost eye to eye with my Union!! On my turn I quickly deployed from the road, into line. And advanced up to, and past Bates farm.

 The  Reb Virginia brigade shot across the bridge and deployed along the eastern flank of the Yanks. Turn #2 was the start of a lot of rolling fire. The exchanges were pretty effective. The Union artillery battalion arrived and moved and deployed on their first round, and fired to no effect in the 2nd round...

  Turn #3 was again a lot of musket and artillery fire. With some telling morale effects and much damage!! The Yank artillery scored a great blow to the Rebs. And shot up and routed a South Carolina regiment!!! At that time the Virginia Brigade was fully deployed and getting ready to charge the single Yank regiment facing them!! The South Carolina brigade had two of its four regiments fleeing or shaken.. The other two regiments and its battery were shot up but holding fast behind the rock and rail fence. The two exposed Union regiments facing the Carolinian's were dishing out a lot, but were shot up. And a New York regiment broke and ran!!

  Turn #4 was very bad for the Union!! The Virginia Brigade charged the lone Union regiment facing them.. They took a deadly volley from the Yanks and faltered . But The 27th Virginia regiment found its steel and charged home!!! Rolling over and capturing most of the Yanky regiment and even stumbled into the Union division commander... poor guy!!!

 At that point the Union brigade had seen enough and started and orderly retreat from the field... A few miles down the road they ran into the 2nd brigade.... They had been enjoying a nice stroll through the countryside!!!

The South Carolina Brigade in hot action...

Another angle of the fire fight at the crossroads and Bates farm..

The Virginia Brigade moving up fast into the Yanks in the woods!! The Union artillery fires away.. The Yankee reserve waits..

More hot fire at Bates farm and the crossroads..

The bigger view of the battle at hand...

The wavering Rebs of the South Carolina brigade..

The Virginians go into the woods!!! Charge!!!

The Rebs and Yanks in close combat... The Yanks are about to break!!!  The last turn situation... Turn # 4..

Overall the game and rule went quite well. We are getting the hang of the rules and liking them a lot!! Again " Across a Deadly Field" are indeed a good set of rules for sure!!

As for the miniatures. 15mm Old Glory, Minifigs and some Stone Mountain guys too...
Thanks, till next time.

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