Saturday, August 13, 2016

Field of Glory... Aragon vs Catalan...

Yes indeed, Chuck and I sat down Friday evening to a 600 points per side slap down "Field of Glory" game!  At Great Escape Games Sacramento. A great gaming store and gaming arena!!

Anyways, Chucks Catalans set up on a nice hill. And my Aragonians
My initial deployment

My right wing Cavalry !!

My left wing force... Before the clash...

Everything was going good...Until next turn...

So Close!!!! My light cavaly in his rear. My flank attack almost ready! Then the dice started to roll....
deployed on the great plains before them. All looked good ...

My army moved forward to center field. My right flank cavalry (Light cavalry , Knights, and armored cavalry. With attached commanders to make them move faster!!!) was moving along . And I actually got a really good flank move going!!

My center was looking good. No problems.

My left flank was do good.. I was drawing in his Knights.. I was about to fall back there and draw in his Knights further away from his main army, and finally launch my fight hook flank attack!!! And an assault by my center to hold in place his main force.

Okay, good.... However, my Knights on the left flank got "baited" into a premature charge into his knights!!! Okay no problem...Knights on knights. I was going to lauch an attack on that flank in a few turns anyway...

However... in the initial clash I rolled really bad and Chuck rolled really good!!! After a few turns my left flank was running for the hills...

I engaged Chucks center with my center forces... no problem... The plan was still good...I just needed to roll over some medium crossbow units with my defensive spearmen. I had an edge there... Till I rolled for the mighty clashes... As usual I rolled really bad and Chuck rolled really good....

As for the great right flank cavalry attack. Which was just about ready to spring... Well it never sprung.... My "anvil center defensive spears" got rolled by Chucks now mighty medium crossbows!!!! They actually routed my spearmen....LOL....

It was a fun game with lots of laughs and a few crys and curses.... Till next time ....

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