Thursday, January 26, 2012

Darkest Africa Game

The Sultan of Zanzibar personally lead an large incursion into "enemy" territory. The Sultan was motivated to do so because of many large scale raids into his territories by unruly Rugga-Rugga warriors!
The Sultan lead his army of 4 battalions and two artillery batteries against the Rugga-Ruggas' main settlement. The battle that followed was fieres and bloody! The rugga-rugga were well entrenched and numerous. There was also several blood thirsty tribes of allied "cannibals" as well as other local tribal allies.
The Sultans troops fought well but could not break the will of the fortified Rugga-Rugga. Finally, after several hour of fighting (5 or 6 turns) The fierce "red painted cannibals" thrust themselves onto to ranks of the Sultans Bashi-Bazoks and crushed them!! With the right flank of their line crushed the Sultan retreated with hast! The rest of his army was rioted and...well consumed!!
It was a great victory for King "Taker of Heads" and his Rugga-Rugga warriors, as well as his hungry allies! The Sultan of Zanzibar made it back to his city...Few of his troops did.
The Sultan is presently raiseing new battalions and has consulted with his British friends for aide. The Great king, "Taker of Heads" has followed up his victory with many more raids...
Note: We used "Spearhead WWI" rules, with "Old Glory" and "Essex" 15mm miniatures. The terrain was Chucks, AKA..Chuka Zulu.

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