Monday, April 6, 2015

Black Powder Rules.. The Great Indian Mutiny...

Last weekend Chis decided it would be a good time to host a "Black Powder" game staged during "The Great Indian Mutiny"  in 1850's northern India.  This was the third battle in the campaign. The British have won the first two. This encounter did not go so well for the Empire!!

Two Brigades of British with two batteries of guns came onto the field. 1st Brigade of three infantry battalions. The second brigade was of three regiments of cavalry.

The Indian Mutineers was made up of 4 brigades. 1st Brigade. was two cav regts., the 2nd Brig. had two Mutineers "regular battalions", the 3rd and 4th brigades were each made up of 3 mobs each....

The British from the start had some really bad die rolls and activations!! The Mutineers got the jump on the British. They surged forward all across the battle field toward the British still in march column!

There was a lively clash of cavalry on the one flank... Which the British finally won! In the center the bloodthirsty " 3rd brigade" surged into the face of the two veteran British battalions who did very little damage to the mobs and actually had to retreat in the very face of the wild charges of the unwashed masses.. On the other flank the "4th brigade" of Mutineers flew across the field of battle into the flank and overwhelmed the British battalion "fortified" in the village!! The Brits where driven out and routed and at a very critical point in the route the British army general, General Havelocke was overwhelmed by the crazed masses and cut down in a Heroic last stand with his faithful aides...

Indeed all was done after that... the remnants of the infantry brigade faltered back as best they could. While the British cavalry did what they could to hold back the ragging hordes....
The initial Mutineer deployment.

The initial positions of the British.

The Indians mobs coming down on the British line!!

The position of the "3rd Brigade" of Mutineers about to go in...

The Brave Mutineer cavalry Brigade. At the start of the battle.

The Mutineer cavalry rally and get ready for more charges!!

Another view of the great charge of the "mob"..Note, the "regular mutineer " battalions in the background.

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