Monday, April 20, 2015

Bolt Action... Brits vs Germans Someware in France...

Chuck set up a nice table and scenario last Sunday at "Randy's House of Games" shop. Randy, two other gents and myself were the contenders. Chuck was the game master. I was the German commander and Randy and the "two gents" I forgot their names sorry. They were new to the system but did very well as the British.

The Germans had 2 Stugs, a pak 40 gun, three 10 man squads of infantry with attached hvy. machine gun, and a panzer schrick section, and a sniper. The Germans were set up in a strong defensive position behind a deep (uncrossable stream) and some hedgerows.

The plucky British were on the attack. They had to drive the Germans from their strong position and open up the way for the follow up forces...

The British had 3 Cromwell's, 1 Sexton, 1 17pd Challenger,1 Churchill, three 10 man infantry squads, a piate team, 1 recon armd. car, and two artillery missions.

The British CO, with some of his assets.

The British advance into the open.

A look at the British advance from one of the German positions.

The ambush was sprung! However, the Germans could not hit anything!!! It was a very tough on the dug in Germans! They got hammered  for three turns. Then they finally got their sights adjusted and took out the Churchill and the Comet!

Poor Churchill tank...

Another look at the start positions of the British...
Yes indeed, the battle was a challenge for both axis and allies throughout the game. the British pounded the Germans whenever they could detect them! However, once the stugs and the pak 40 gun got their sights strait, they stopped the Brits cold! The British infantry was hit very hard throughout the game. The Germans lost one squads to a "tank assault" and a stug. The sniper, panzer schrick got whacked too...

Overall, everyone had a great time. The two new guys really liked the system, and also chucks great terrain and miniatures. "Bolt Action Rules" are definitely a good sound set of rules that creates a great game and a fun time. As well as putting you in a good position to get the feel of small unit actions!

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