Sunday, August 28, 2016

Flames of War... Battle Report

Rob and I dusted off our "Flames of War" stuff and had a free for
Initial positions. That is the Airborne troops in the woods.

Here s my side of the table at the start. Grenadiers in the woods going for the objective!!!

My Grenadiers assaulting Robs MG"s.... Epic melee action!!!

The center after an allied air attack. Though, the Brummbars got some revenge later!!!
all game today at Great Escape games.

Rob had 1500 pts of USA Airborne troops. and I had 1500 pts. of German Grenadiers.

Rob had two infantry platoons, some pack 75mm guns, some mortars and some 57mm anti tank guns. As well as full air support and a machine gun platoon too!!

I had three infantry platoons, a heavy MG pltn, 105mm gun battery, scout platoon, some snipers and lastly... a Brummbar platoon!!!!

I deployed an infantry and scout platoon plus HQ, in the wooded on my left flank. Two infantry platoons in the center. The Hvy MG's in the woods on my right flank. And the 105"s and Brummbars in reserve.

I surged forward through the woods on my left flank with my infantry and HQ... In the center and right flank I dug in. I bombared his right flank. And charged his machine gun positions there!!! There was a brutal fire fight and melee!!!

My Grenadiers wiped out his MG Platoon. But Robs airborne troops were very tough and really mauled my lads!!! I pulled them back into the woods and regrouped.

The center was calm.

On my right flank Rob advanced toward the objective that lay there. His two infantry platoons never got close to there objective. They got shot up pretty bad by Hvy MGs, snipers and Brummbars!!!

My guys got bombed a lot by planes and artillery but not to badly.

My Brummbars really took it to some paratroopers that took cover in a built up area. "Bunker Busters"....

Well, the game went well. We both had a great time and relearned a great game system! We will be playing Flames of War more often....

The game acme out to a draw. We were both about in the same shape and neither had gotten an objective in the 3 hours that we played.  Great Fun!!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

ARRRRR me Maties.... Pirates...

15mm Frontier and Peter Pig pirates....

I painted these guys up for "Koenig Krieg III" and "Pieces of Eight"...


Sioux Warriors...

A few shots of some 15mm Plains Indian Warriors creasting a small hill....

Figures are mostly MiniFigs, very nice figures!!! Also, a few Peter Pigs...

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Frostgrave.....Friday nights big game...

Friday night "Frostgrave" action at Great Escape Games!!!

Five of us played out a big five player free for all scenario. It was very challengeing and brutalfor all!!! most of my crew went down! Even my wizard got taken down by a summoned evil demonic spider thing!!!! Very epic clash....

Well my wizards cast a lot of successful spells and my crew dragged off some loot to boot! So it was not all bad.

In the after battle tabulations, all my downed "adventurers" came back totally okay except for one crossbowmen. Even my wizard came out unscathed!!! Yay!!!
Two warbands going for some hidden gold!!!

My doughty little warband.

My apprentise and a soldier of my band.

Yikes.. My Wizard and the evil demon spider thing!!

Yuky demon spider thing... Very nice conversion work by Mike.

My guys trying to pull their treasures to the table edge!

The epic clash... my Wizard against bad ass spider monster!!!

Field of Glory... Aragon vs Catalan...

Yes indeed, Chuck and I sat down Friday evening to a 600 points per side slap down "Field of Glory" game!  At Great Escape Games Sacramento. A great gaming store and gaming arena!!

Anyways, Chucks Catalans set up on a nice hill. And my Aragonians
My initial deployment

My right wing Cavalry !!

My left wing force... Before the clash...

Everything was going good...Until next turn...

So Close!!!! My light cavaly in his rear. My flank attack almost ready! Then the dice started to roll....
deployed on the great plains before them. All looked good ...

My army moved forward to center field. My right flank cavalry (Light cavalry , Knights, and armored cavalry. With attached commanders to make them move faster!!!) was moving along . And I actually got a really good flank move going!!

My center was looking good. No problems.

My left flank was do good.. I was drawing in his Knights.. I was about to fall back there and draw in his Knights further away from his main army, and finally launch my fight hook flank attack!!! And an assault by my center to hold in place his main force.

Okay, good.... However, my Knights on the left flank got "baited" into a premature charge into his knights!!! Okay no problem...Knights on knights. I was going to lauch an attack on that flank in a few turns anyway...

However... in the initial clash I rolled really bad and Chuck rolled really good!!! After a few turns my left flank was running for the hills...

I engaged Chucks center with my center forces... no problem... The plan was still good...I just needed to roll over some medium crossbow units with my defensive spearmen. I had an edge there... Till I rolled for the mighty clashes... As usual I rolled really bad and Chuck rolled really good....

As for the great right flank cavalry attack. Which was just about ready to spring... Well it never sprung.... My "anvil center defensive spears" got rolled by Chucks now mighty medium crossbows!!!! They actually routed my spearmen....LOL....

It was a fun game with lots of laughs and a few crys and curses.... Till next time ....

Thursday, August 11, 2016

7 Years War Prussians....

Some 7 Years War Prussian infantry brigades, a Dragoon Brigade and some fearsome Hussars!!!!!

Zieten is making his presence too....

15mm Old Glory miniatures....
Heavy Battery!!!

40th Fusilier Regiment...

Zieten and friends...

Von Zieten

The famous Black Hussars...

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Some Crusaders... for Field of Glory rules...

I have been painting up a Late Crusader Army of about 600 points.

For "Field of Glory" miniatures rules published by Osprey Books.

Here are some of them... I am almost done. Just the Turkopoles and two more command stands!!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Napoleonic French Infantry Division ready to Go!!!

Finally getting my French done for "Grand Battles Napoleon" rules....

15mm figures from "Old Glory Miniatures" Napolenic Range ... Darn good figures!