Friday, August 15, 2014

Koenig Krieg III... Someware in Scotland 1745...

 The Duke of Perth has mobilized some Lowland Scottish regiments and brought with him a Strong Highlander regiment. His force is moving  toward the city of Sterling. Hopefully to catch the Royal forces off guard and overrun the fort there. The munitions and supplies as were as the fort would be a great help for the rising clans!

 However, the Royal forces got wind of the Scottish advance and concentrated all the local militia and volunteer regiments in the area. As well as the British 15th regt of foot stationed at Sterling.

The British army marched north until their pickets came upon the Scottish army deployed on a small hill. There was only one thing to do. Drive those lowly Scottish rebels from the hill and run them down!

As for the Scots, well they had a strong defensive position. Come on and try to drive us from our position....

The game started with a strong British advance. The combined light cavalry regt charged the lowlanders on the hill but were driven back... The British light horse was chased away from the field by Baggots hussars. Next the British main line came up and due to some good initiative rolls was able to blast away the Highland regt.... as well as the lowlanders. The lowlanders shot away at their foes. But they could not stop the British advance. Even a charge to the rear of the British line by Baggot Hussars was driven back. Baggots hussars just did not have the metal to overtake the Edinburgh regt of volunteers!

In the end the British drove the Scots from the hill and from the field as well...

It was a fun little game, using the Koenig Krieg III Highland army list... not official.

Next game, lots of Highlanders.... Bonnie Prince Charlie is moving up with the main Scottish army!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great Jon. I saw one of our old games a while back.
