Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Order of Battle... Jacobite Battle 8/15/2014...At Great Escape Games.

The figures used in the Jacobite Battle Post were 90% Old Glory 15's, with some Essex a few others from Washington's Wars miniatures.  The old Glory figures were of course the Age of Reason Line. The Washington War Figs were the two cavalry figures. The green guys aka... The Georgia Rangers, with a complementary Seneca Brave! General Oglethorpe had recruited this squadron for service in Georgia. There was a Seneca warrior or two that was with Oglethorpe while he was in Scotland. The mounted Rangers were almost on their way to the colonies. However, they were drafted into the "45 Rebellion".

The Royal forces in the scenario were as follows...

Class 0 general.

One British line battalion;  16 figs, class 5, British Fire and steadfast.

One composite Light Cavalry Regt. ; 8 figs, class 5,   Note, made up of 10th Light Horse, Volunteers. Hessian Hussars and the Georgia Rangers.

One Battalion Highland Independent Companies; class 5, average shoots, wild charge.

Two Battalion's of Volunteers/militia; 12 figs, class 4, average shots, unreliable.

Jacobite Forces in the scenario were as follows...

Class 0 General.

Highlander Regt; 16 figs, terror, Highland charge, poor shots, short range.

Two Lowland Regts.: 16 figs, average shots, wild charge.

Baggots Hussars; 8 figs, irregular cavalry, weak.

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