Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Italian Napoleonic Troops.... "Grand Battles Napoleon" rules...

Here is the 1st Italian Division, Army of Northern Italy.

In GBN rules each figure equates to about 100 to 125 men, or 80 to 100 cavalry. A battery of guns is rated as 3 or 4 guns per stand. So a battery is usually made up of two stands.

GBN rules is bases its maneuver elements on the infantry and cavalry regiment and the battery. So basically, a unit of 4 stands equals about 1500 to 1900 infantry and 500 t0 800 cavalry for 4 stands. there are also infantry and cavalry skirmish screens available for regiments as well as actual light infantry "battalion" screens, 8 figures....

To get more information on the rules and its mechanics go to "Grand Battles Napoleons" web sight. You can download an example of play and numerous charts and other interesting information.

Also, pictured is the Duke of Brunswick's "Black Legion" of 1809 with the "Hessian Legion included... I still need to paint up a Austrian Landwehr regiment to complete the corps.

British Napoleoic Army... "Grand Battles Napoleon"

Finished re-baseing and touching up my good old British Napoleonic miniatures. They are 15mm, mostly Minifigs,with some Essex mixed in for good effect. I painted most of these guys up many many many years ago...Lol. Though I actually painted up a few lately to round them off.

I have based them up for "Grand Battles Napoleon" rules. A very nice set from the publishers of "Koenig Krieg III" . A great set of rules for the 18th century.

I am now painting up some Old Glory 15mm French and allies to take on these fine British lads. I plan on doing up the Austrians of the 1809 campaign too. I have recently painted up the Black Duke of Brunswick's Black Legion, and Hessian's of the Hessian Legion, for the Saxony campaign of 1809...

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Krono, A Great Fur Friend and a Great Gamer Kitty.... RIP....

On December 28th 2015, my Cat and Best Fur Friend passed into the Halls of Valhalla and the warmth of Heaven...

He was a stray kitty that walked into my life 2005. He was about 14 to 16 years of age at his passing...

Krono was a Russian Blue kitty, and was extremely smart, friendly and loving. He was good to all, and was liked by everyone who got the chance to meet him. He was always close by me and followed me everywhere I was at in the house. He loved to watch tv and read and paint miniatures with me...Lol. And just hang out with me whenever I was home.

He was a Great Friend and family member!!! He is missed everyday by me and all who knew him.... RIP Krono....

1813 Texas Filibusters... The First Texas Revoulution!!!

Here are some pictures of some 15mm Old Glory and a few Minifig and essex miniatures, painted up as 1813 Texas Filibuster's...

I am almost done with their Spanish rivals.... I am going to use a variant of Koenig Krieg III rules for this period.

Boxer Rebellion AAR.. Legacy of Glory rules...

Played a little Boxer Rebellion battle the other day. The Western Allies were in strong defensive works defending a vital railroad station.

The Western Allied force was made up of 4 battalions of infantry, two 6pdr Krupp's guns and a British Naval brigade Gatling gun.

British naval battalion, the 1st Chinese Regt. with added volunteers ( 2 Battalions) and a composite naval battalion of Russian and German naval troops.

The Boxers had 3 battalion's of Imperial regulars, 3 battalion's of Green Flag Musketeer's and 4 mobs of Boxers... plus a 6 pdr Krupp's gun a Gatling gun and an old 12 pdr cannon.

Well The Boxers goal was to sweep the Foreign devils out of their works and wipe them out. as well as control the rail yard. The Western Allies goal was to hold off the Chinese and survive!

The game went well. The Western  Allies initially did a nice job of damaging the Boxers mobs. However the Boxer mobs recovered and actually swarmed into the #2 fort of the Western Allies... followed and supported by the Green Flag troops!!! The Imperial regulars did not even get into engagement range before the Western Devils were in full retreat!!! A good day for the Boxer mobs for sure!!!
Western Allied fort #1....

Western Allied fort #2....

Another view of #1 Fort, and 1st Chinese Regt battalions and some western volunteers "attached.

The Box remaining Boxer mob go over the top and at the western devils!!!! 

Another view of the assault!!!

The initial Chinese wave!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Koenig Krieg 3...Seven Years War....

 Koenig Krieg III "Seize and Hold the Crossroads!"
500pts "Prussia in Crisis" lists and 500pts. of Austrians from the KK3 rule book.
Prussia had ...
One dragoon brigade, a Fusilier brigade with two musketeer and two fusilier battalions a light battery. A garrison brigade with two frei crop battalions and a light gun, and also a strong 20 figure Hussar regiment. Oh, and a class 1 General.

The Austrians had a Dragoon Brigade, an Austrian Musketeer Brigade with light gun. And an allied infantry brigade of Bavarians with a light gun. And a class 0 general.

The game ran for seven turns. The Prussians decided that the Austrians had a pretty good hold on the crossroads and the town too. Their infantry brigades were in very good condition. And the cavalry brigade was depleted but still in the fight! Note.. the Austrians actually had a cuirassier regiment and a dragoon regiment in their cavalry brigade.

The Austrians actually got the jump on the Prussians first round and got to the crossroads with their heavy cavalry brigade! The Austrian muskateer brigade stopped the Prussian garrison brigade and drove it back over the bridge! The Prussian Dragoon brigade got hit hard and driven back by the Austrian heavy cavalry... By the time the Prussian musketeer brigade got into position the Austrians were in firm control of the objective and had bloodied the other two Prussian brigades....

It was a good light engagement..

PS.... date should be 2016.... LOL. Figures are 99% Old Glory 15mm ....