Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Boxer Rebellion AAR.. Legacy of Glory rules...

Played a little Boxer Rebellion battle the other day. The Western Allies were in strong defensive works defending a vital railroad station.

The Western Allied force was made up of 4 battalions of infantry, two 6pdr Krupp's guns and a British Naval brigade Gatling gun.

British naval battalion, the 1st Chinese Regt. with added volunteers ( 2 Battalions) and a composite naval battalion of Russian and German naval troops.

The Boxers had 3 battalion's of Imperial regulars, 3 battalion's of Green Flag Musketeer's and 4 mobs of Boxers... plus a 6 pdr Krupp's gun a Gatling gun and an old 12 pdr cannon.

Well The Boxers goal was to sweep the Foreign devils out of their works and wipe them out. as well as control the rail yard. The Western Allies goal was to hold off the Chinese and survive!

The game went well. The Western  Allies initially did a nice job of damaging the Boxers mobs. However the Boxer mobs recovered and actually swarmed into the #2 fort of the Western Allies... followed and supported by the Green Flag troops!!! The Imperial regulars did not even get into engagement range before the Western Devils were in full retreat!!! A good day for the Boxer mobs for sure!!!
Western Allied fort #1....

Western Allied fort #2....

Another view of #1 Fort, and 1st Chinese Regt battalions and some western volunteers "attached.

The Box remaining Boxer mob go over the top and at the western devils!!!! 

Another view of the assault!!!

The initial Chinese wave!!!!

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