Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Krono, A Great Fur Friend and a Great Gamer Kitty.... RIP....

On December 28th 2015, my Cat and Best Fur Friend passed into the Halls of Valhalla and the warmth of Heaven...

He was a stray kitty that walked into my life 2005. He was about 14 to 16 years of age at his passing...

Krono was a Russian Blue kitty, and was extremely smart, friendly and loving. He was good to all, and was liked by everyone who got the chance to meet him. He was always close by me and followed me everywhere I was at in the house. He loved to watch tv and read and paint miniatures with me...Lol. And just hang out with me whenever I was home.

He was a Great Friend and family member!!! He is missed everyday by me and all who knew him.... RIP Krono....

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